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Shirley E. Gould

Author Bio:

I'm Shirley Gould, an author of the African Skies Series which include...The Sahar of Zanzibar (2022), Escape from Timbuktu (2023), and Sunset Over Swaziland (July 2024). As a missionary in Africa for 14 years, I've gleaned years of research for the Contemperary Romantic Suspense novels I'm currently writing.
I'm a certified copywriter, a public speaker, a lover of missions work, and a grandmother of seven. I make my home in middle Tennessee where I enjoy, beautiful scenery, great weather, and southern cooking.

Books by Author

Book Image

Sunset Over Swaziland

Grant writer, Jocelyn Millender travels to Swaziland to get humanitarian aid for the devasted disease-infested country. When war threatens, all travel is suspended. She's trapped, scared. and in danger. Hearing her plight, Austin Bendale-a decorated soldier turned security services specialist-comes…

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