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By Darlene M. Corbett


Therapist Rachel Karem is accustomed to helping emotionally wounded individuals navigate the murky waters of dealing with complicated family dynamics, relationship issues, and life transitions. When individual therapy hits a brick wall for five successful professionals, she persuades them to engage in a ten-week group therapy program. But working through these sessions with her clients reveals Rachel's own brokenness.
Widowed, childless, and estranged from her family, Rachel wonders if she will ever have a second chance at love. She is amazed when her own therapist advocates for her to "get back in the game." To her surprise, Rachel enrolls in dance classes where she learns the Tango. Romantic, passionate, intense, sensual, dramatic, the Tango embodies everything that is missing in Rachel's life. As she grows more confident in her dance steps, her life becomes more entwined with her handsome dance partner, Michael. But past betrayals haunt Rachel's emotions, and current rivals for Michael's affections feed past rejections.
Even as her clients in the therapy group learn to support each other in their quest for personal wholeness, Rachel yearns for a deeper connection within herself to propel her into the next stage of her life. But will it be with or without Michael?

Book Takeaway:

Human suffering and the unfairness in life are part of the human condition, but we have to figure out a way to manage it. Not always an easy feat as exhibited in my novel. The best part? My book shows that healing can occur through connectedness, and beauty, joy, laughter, and love follow.

Why the author wrote this book:

A few reasons, 1) Faith and Therapy can coexist. 2) Obstacles can be overcome. 3) It's never too late to find fulfillment in life. The protagonist and the other characters in the book carry burdens, not so different from the rest of the human race. Although they share their betrayals and secrets, joy, laughter, and romance evolve, enhancing trust and belief in something greater.


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